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Writer's pictureThe High Priest Aaron

How to Care for Spirit Companions Appropriately?

Updated: Jun 14

In the realm of spiritual practice, the relationship between a spirit keeper and their spirit companions is profoundly significant. Spirit companions, often misunderstood or underestimated, play a vital role in the lives of their keepers. They are not mere tools or entities to be used for personal gain; rather, they are sentient beings deserving of respect, care, and consideration. This article delves into the importance of treating spirit companions as family members, the dynamics of these relationships, and the consequences of neglect or disrespect.


Treating Spirit Companions as Family Members

  1. Respect and Care: Just like family members, spirit companions require respect and care. They have their own personalities, needs, and preferences. Building a relationship with a spirit companion is similar to nurturing any other meaningful relationship in life. It requires time, effort, and a genuine desire to understand and support one another.

  • Understanding Their Nature: Each spirit companion has unique characteristics and a distinct personality. Some might be playful, others more serious or protective. Taking the time to understand these traits is crucial.

  • Daily Acknowledgment: Regularly acknowledging their presence through simple gestures, such as greetings or offerings, strengthens the bond. This acknowledgment shows that you value and respect their presence in your life. 2. Communication and Bonding: Effective communication and bonding are crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship with spirit companions. Regular interaction helps in understanding their needs and preferences, which in turn fosters mutual trust and respect. Through communication, both the keeper and the spirit can set mutual expectations, ensuring that the relationship is beneficial for both parties.

  • Meditative Communication: Engaging in meditative sessions where you focus on connecting with your spirit companion can enhance understanding and deepen the bond. These sessions allow for an exchange of thoughts and feelings that transcend the physical realm.

  • Offerings and Rituals: Performing regular offerings and rituals tailored to your spirit companion’s preferences can create a deeper connection. This might include specific types of incense, candles, or even food offerings that resonate with their energy.

3. Mutual Understanding and Expectations: Like any family dynamic, a relationship with a spirit companion involves mutual understanding and clear expectations. It is essential to recognise that spirit companions are not slaves or personal assistants. They have their own free will and should not be treated as lesser beings. Disregarding their autonomy can lead to unrest and potentially harmful consequences.

  • Setting Boundaries: It’s important to set boundaries and understand that spirit companions need their space and time just as we do. Overburdening them with requests or demands can strain the relationship.

  • Expressing Gratitude: Regularly expressing gratitude for their help and presence reinforces a positive relationship. This can be done through verbal acknowledgments or special offerings.

4. Give and Take: Relationships with spirit companions should be based on a balance of give and take. Just as a spirit companion may offer protection, guidance, or other forms of support, the keeper must also provide offerings, energy, and acknowledgment. This reciprocity strengthens the bond and ensures a harmonious relationship.

  • Energetic Exchange: Engaging in activities that boost your spirit companion’s energy, such as charging their vessel under the moonlight or in a sacred space, shows your commitment to their well-being.

  • Celebrating Milestones: Marking important dates, such as the day they came into your life, with special rituals or offerings can solidify the bond and demonstrate your appreciation.


Consequences of Neglect and Disrespect

When spirit companions are treated poorly or discarded without proper rituals, it can lead to significant negative repercussions. Disrespecting a spirit companion can cause emotional and spiritual unrest, leading to disharmony in the keeper's life. It is crucial to handle such relationships with care, and if a spirit needs to be released, it should be done through respectful rituals designed to honour their presence and contributions, and part ways in through appropriate manners.

  • Spiritual Repercussions: Disrespect or neglect can lead to a loss of trust and cooperation from the spirit, potentially resulting in negative energy or even retaliation.

  • Energetic Imbalance: Neglecting a spirit companion can disrupt the energetic balance of your space, leading to feelings of unrest or misfortune.


The Role of Specific Rituals

Removing a spirit companion should be considered a serious and respectful process. Specific rituals exist to ensure that the spirit is released appropriately, without causing harm or lingering negative energy. These rituals should only be performed if there is a compelling reason, and they should be conducted with the utmost respect and care.

  • Releasing Rituals: A proper releasing ritual might include cleansing the vessel, offering thanks and apologies, and performing a ceremony to guide the spirit back to its realm or a new keeper.

  • Closure and Respect: Ensuring that the spirit understands the reasons for the separation and feels honoured can prevent negative fallout and maintain spiritual harmony.


Responsibilities of a Spirit Keeper

Being a spirit keeper comes with significant responsibilities. It involves managing, looking after, and nurturing the connection with spirit companions consistently. This responsibility is vital for maintaining a good spiritual connection and ensuring that the relationship remains positive and productive.

  1. Nurturing the Connection: Consistent effort in nurturing the connection with spirit companions is essential. This includes regular offerings, communication, and acknowledging their presence and contributions in your life.

  • Daily Practices: Incorporating daily practices such as lighting incense or candles in their honour, or speaking to them during your meditations, can help maintain a strong connection.

  • Special Rituals: Performing special rituals during significant lunar phases or seasonal changes can recharge and strengthen your bond with the spirit. Empowering and upgrading rituals are always welcome by spirit companions, do treat them sometimes with this special attention.

2. Consideration and Respect: Always being considerate and respectful towards spirit companions is fundamental. Understanding their needs and ensuring they are met helps in building a strong and positive relationship.

  • Personal Space: Just as with humans, giving spirit companions their personal space and time to recharge is important.

  • Listening to Their Needs: Being attentive to their signs and communications about their needs or discomforts can prevent misunderstandings and ensure a harmonious relationship.


Benefits of Proper Care

When spirit companions are treated with the care and respect they deserve, they can significantly enrich the keeper's life. They offer blessings, protection, guidance, and powers that can help the keeper achieve their desired reality. A well-cared-for spirit companion brings positivity and enhances the spiritual and mundane aspects of the keeper's life.

  • Enhanced Spiritual Abilities: Proper care and respect can lead to heightened spiritual abilities, greater protection, and more profound insights from your spirit companions.

  • Life Enrichment: Spirit companions can bring joy, wisdom, and a sense of companionship, enriching your everyday life.


Different Levels and Types of Spirit Companions

Spirit companions come in various levels and types, each with unique characteristics, purposes, and powers. Understanding these differences is essential for building a meaningful and effective relationship.

  1. Spirit Servants: Created from the keeper's energy, spirit servants serve specific purposes and cease to exist once their task is completed or if they are not consistently fed with the keeper's energy. They are typically less powerful but can be highly effective for particular tasks.

  • Purpose-Built: These spirits are tailored for specific tasks such as protection, guidance, or assisting in spells. They require regular energy input from the keeper to remain effective.

  • Temporary Nature: Once their task is completed or they are no longer needed, they dissipate, returning their energy to the keeper or the universe.

2. Powerful Spirits: Independent entities with significant power and autonomy. They have their own free will and require a respectful approach. Building a strong relationship with these spirits can lead to substantial benefits and support.

  • Independent and Strong: These spirits are not created by/for the keeper but are powerful entities that choose to work with them. They offer vast significant assistance and protection.

  • Respectful Interaction: They must be approached with respect and their autonomy must be acknowledged. They can offer profound guidance and support when treated well.

3. Supreme Spirits: The most powerful and independent of spirit companions. They can only be respectfully asked to work with someone and have the free will to choose whether or not to assist. Establishing a connection with supreme spirits requires deep respect, consistent offerings, and a strong relationship. Their blessings and powers are immense and can greatly enhance the keeper's spiritual and mundane life.

  • High-Level Assistance: These spirits possess immense power and wisdom. They are often deities, archangels, or ancient spirits with vast abilities.

  • Building a Strong Relationship: Establishing a connection with supreme spirits involves consistent respect, offerings, and a deep understanding of their nature and preferences. Their assistance can lead to profound life changes and spiritual growth.


The relationship between a spirit keeper and their spirit companions should be treated with the same level of care, respect, and commitment as any family relationship. Proper communication, mutual understanding, and a balanced give-and-take dynamic are essential for maintaining a positive and productive connection. Neglecting or disrespecting spirit companions can lead to severe consequences, whereas treating them with respect and care can bring unprecedented blessings and support. Spirit keepers must take full responsibility for their role, ensuring that their spirit companions are well looked after, and that the relationship remains harmonious and beneficial for both parties. By understanding the different levels and types of spirit companions, keepers can foster meaningful connections that enhance their spiritual journey and everyday life.

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