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Third Eye Opener - Black Magick Ritual - Awaken your senses and integrate your shadow self


The Coven is now offering this powerful black magick ritual service, through which we will help you to discover the deepest and darkest part of yourself, awaken your senses and integrate your shadow self into your three bodies. 


This ritual will awaken and enhance your abilities and powers of astral projection, astral travel, clairvoyance, clairaudience, aura reading, spirit sensing, divination skills, lucid dreaming and enhance your energy manipulation skills. 


We will use a well tested black magick ritual to help awakening you. This is an amazing opportunity to finally take control of your spirituality. Activate your third eye through pure black magick and integrate your shadow self into your spiritual practice and spiritual journey, leading you to the ultimate spiritual ascension and enlightenment. 


See the hidden layers and beneath the veils that are separating the other realms from our world, feel the intense black magick activation within your soul, and it will bring the best out of you.



Third Eye Opener - Black Magick Ritual - Awaken your senses

£30.00 一般價格
  • For the physical product option, we can bind the ritual’s essence to a vessel, and in this case, the vessel is a crystal. We wFor the physical product option, we can bind the ritual’s essence to a vessel, and in this case, the vessel is a crystal. We will create and cast a seal on you and on the vessel to link your personal energy directly with the ritual’s energy. This linking procedure will take three (3) days to cast, please be patient until we finalise the binding and post the vessel to you.

  • When the Coven are performing spells and rituals on your behalf, you are absolutely safe and fully protected and you will receive all the blessings related to your order. We routinely put a lot of our time, effort, resources and energy into every ritual and always aim to provide the highest level of customer service, therefore, we do NOT offer refunds. When your order will be processed, you will be sent a PDF file with further information about your order. All orders will be completed within 3 to 5 working days, unless stated otherwise. We are happy to answer questions only related to your order, for general or unrelated questions, please find the relevant listing in the categories section. 


    DISCLAIMER - due to Wix's Policies & Procedures, we must state the following regulations on all the listings:

    By law, we must state that our products are sold for entertainment purposes only, and our magickal items are sold as curios. All spells, ritual services, spirit bindings and readings are non-refundable. We hold the rights to refuse a service, and you must be 18+ years of age, to purchase from us. We cannot claim or guarantee a specific outcome pertaining to the products we offer. We are not responsible for anything that may or may not occur/happen as a result of our spells, rituals, bindings and/or readings. Our products should not be used as a substitution for medical, legal, financial or any other professional advice. Instead, we would recommend and encourage you to seek advice from the relevant professionals.

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